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Suzhou Lanxin Rubber Plastic Hardware Co., Ltd.

Contact person: Manager Yin

Phone: 18051899559

Email address: info133@cn-lanxin.com

Contact person: Manager Pan

Phone: 18261672909

Email address: info164@cn-lanxin.com

Machine: 0512-36857023

Website: www.cn-szlanxin.com

Address: No. 904, South Qinfeng Road, Qiandeng Town, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province

大理Silk screen nameplate customization
大理Silk screen nameplate customization

大理Silk screen nameplate customization

  • Category:大理Silk screen nameplate nameplate
  • Release date:2022-04-01
24-hour hotline:
  • Overview

Screen printing refers to the use of screen as a plate base, and through photographic plate making method, made with graphic screen printing plate. Screen printing consists of five elements: screen plate, scraper, ink, printing table and substrate. Use screen printing plate text part of the mesh through ink, non text part of the mesh can not be printed through the basic principle of ink. Printing in the screen printing plate into one end of the ink, with the scraper screen printing plate on the ink part of a certain pressure, at the same time toward the screen printing plate at a uniform speed, ink in the movement of the scraper from the mesh of the text part of the extrusion onto the substrate.

