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Suzhou Lanxin Rubber Plastic Hardware Co., Ltd.

Contact person: Manager Yin

Phone: 18051899559

Email address: info133@cn-lanxin.com

Contact person: Manager Pan

Phone: 18261672909

Email address: info164@cn-lanxin.com

Machine: 0512-36857023

Website: www.cn-szlanxin.com

Address: No. 904, South Qinfeng Road, Qiandeng Town, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province

西双版纳Screen printing nameplate manufacturer
西双版纳Screen printing nameplate manufacturer

西双版纳Screen printing nameplate manufacturer

  • Category:西双版纳Silk screen nameplate nameplate
  • Release date:2022-04-01
24-hour hotline:
  • Overview

① Strong adaptability to printing. Lithography, gravure printing, letterpress printing three printing methods generally can only be printed on the plane substrate, and screen printing can not only be printed on the plane, but also can be printed on the surface, spherical surface and convex surface substrate. On the other hand, because the screen printing plate is soft and has a certain flexibility, printing pressure is small, so screen printing can not only be printed on hard materials, but also on soft materials and fragile objects printing, is not limited by the texture of the substrate. In addition, screen printing in addition to direct printing, but also according to the need to use indirect printing method, that is, first screen printing on gelatin or silica gel plate, and then transfer to the substrate. Therefore, screen printing adaptability is strong, a wide range of applications.

(2) thick ink layer, strong three-dimensional sense. The thickness of the ink layer on the substrate of different printing methods is not the same, offset and letterpress ink layer thickness is generally about 5μm, gravure printing is about 12μm, flexographic printing is about 12μm, and the ink layer thickness of screen printing is far more than the thickness of the ink layer, generally up to about 30μm. Thick film screen printing for printed circuit boards, ink layer thickness up to 1000μm, with foamed ink printing braille braille, foamed ink layer thickness up to 300μm. Screen printing ink layer thick, strong three-dimensional sense, which is other printing methods can not be compared.

Screen printing can not only monochrome printing, but also color and screen color printing.

③ Strong light resistance and bright color. Because screen printing has the characteristics of leakage, so it can use all kinds of ink and paint, not only can use paste, binder and a variety of pigments, but also can use coarse particles of paint. Other than that. Screen printing ink blending method is simple, for example. The light-resistant pigment is directly mixed in the ink, which can make the screen printing products have strong light resistance, and is more suitable for outdoor advertising and signs.

(4) Large printing width. General convex examples, offset printing and other printing methods of printing size Z is full sheet or double sheet, more than this size, it is limited by mechanical equipment. And screen printing can be large area printing, screen printing products Z large area up to 3 x 4 square meters, or even larger. Screen printing can also be printed on ultra-small, ultra-high precision special items. This characteristic makes screen printing has great flexibility and wide applicability.

Compared with offset lithography, screen printing is limited in the scope of hierarchical reproduction. Color printing color stability is difficult to control, overprint error is also large, printing fine products have a certain difficulty.

